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Deputy Prime Minister Gan Kim Yong visits Singapore Timber Association(STA) Members at 30 Kranji TimMac Highlighting Support for Local Enterprises

Singapore’s Deputy Prime Minister, Mr. Gan Kim Yong, visited the Goodhill Enterprise (S) Pte Ltd factory as part of an engagement with members of the Singapore Timber Association (STA) at 30 Kranji TimMac. The visit underscored the government’s steadfast support for local enterprises and their pivotal role in Singapore’s economic development.

During the visit, Mr. Gan praised STA members for their dedication to innovation, sustainable practices, and their role in bolstering Singapore’s timber industry. He highlighted the association’s collective efforts in driving the industry forward while aligning with the nation’s environmental goals.

Mr. Tan Boon Khai, CEO of JTC Corporation, also commended the STA for fostering a spirit of collaboration within the timber industry. He emphasized how partnerships between the government and industry associations like STA are essential for building resilience and advancing Singapore’s economic landscape.

The visit included a tour of Goodhill Enterprise’s factory, where Mr. Gan and Mr. Tan observed advanced technologies and streamlined processes in action. This showcased STA members’ commitment to modernizing their operations and contributing to Singapore’s sustainable growth.

The event reaffirmed the government’s strong support for STA and its members, recognizing their critical role in ensuring the timber industry’s continued relevance, sustainability, and success in a competitive global environment.