ManuliFluiconnecto Pte Ltd provides wide range of Adaptors suitable for variety of applications.

Hydraulic Adaptors

ManuliFluiconnecto Pte Ltd provides wide range of Adaptors suitable for variety of applications.

Our range of hydraulic Adaptors is a dependable interface for connecting number of ports without direct compatibility. We introduce to you our Manuli MF4000 Adaptors range classified in groups with different configurations. Some of these include ORFS, JIC, NPTF, BSP, NPSM and many more.

Manufactured from solid piece of steel, MF4000 range of adaptors prevents the potential leak points of a typical brazed fitting. Our adaptors are guaranteed made of high quality materials with improved corrosion resistance.

Our MF4000 range of adaptors feature excellent pressure capability, seal reliability and vibration resistance in rigid systems. These adaptors are easy and quick to prepare and install as well, and are very common in hydraulic circuits.

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Manuli Fluiconnecto Pte Ltd

53 Gul Drive Singapore 629497
  +65 6790 9191
  +65 6790 9292